Friday, January 30, 2009

One Week Later's been 1 week today, and unfortunately I'm still not back to normal. My ankle aches all day, and even though I can walk a lot better, if I do it puffs up like a marshmallow!! After sleeping all night the swelling improves, but by 9 or 10a.m. it looks about the same as it did the night I sprained it. This pic was taken first thing this morning before I had been up walking around on it so even though all the bruising looks nasty, it's not AS swollen.

I'm really wondering if I did break it in some way...maybe a hairline fracture or something, but I still can't justify the $100 ER co-pay just for them to tell me "Yep, it's broke. Now keep doing the same things you've been doing the last, ice, elevate." If it's really broken I don't think I would really be able to put pressure on it (which I am); however, with the swelling being just as bad as last week, and the pain still prominent, I wonder. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Katie said...

Have you tried arnica? I would think about that both internally (homeopathically) and also the cream. I am totally with you on not wanting to pay $100 to hear that you should keep doing what you've already been doing. Hope you feel better :(