Friday, January 30, 2009

8 Months Old

My baby has officially grown up!! Ethan turned 8 months yesterday, and is doing all sorts of amazing stuff. It's so hard to imagine that eight months ago I was labored with him for 5 hours (active labor), and my dream of having a home birth came true. I can still look back on it and say that it was the most amazing, connective, empowering experience I have ever gone through.
Okay, enough with the emotional stuff. Ethan started crawling about 1 month ago, which we knew would come a little sooner than Ava since he has someone to chase around. We are close to refusing to eat any type of baby food. It seems that he likes the texture of table food better, and if we're eating dinner he has to eat what we eat. There is no amount of persuading or coercing in the world that will make him down the pureed mush.

His newest accomplishment he discovered today. He was able to get a knee up on the fireplace, and it was all over after that. He quickly discovered how easily he could climb up onto it, and I'm sure he will attempt to conquer the stairs tomorrow.

He has three teeth (all on the bottom), and four more coming soon (all on the top). How weird!

He still thinks Ava is IT, and will follow her anywhere. He loves to have us carry him around while we chase her around the dining room table, and will laugh hysterically the entire time.

This past week he acquired his first ear infection, and Dr Mac said that he actually had a blister on his eardrum. And we thought all that crying was his teeth coming in:(

Overall, he's on the move, into everything, and we always said we were in trouble with Ethan because Ava was such a perfect baby...and it is definitely true, but I wouldn't give it up for the world. My children provide me with the kind of happiness only a mother can explain, and they amaze me everyday!!

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